Ductile iron304 grade stainless steel316 grade sscast steel made Weir Type Diaphragm Valve is perfect for flow and throttle controlling works Known for its class VI leakage protection rating this low maintenance valve is meant for corrosive work environment utilization purpose It is designed with WCB or ductile iron bonnet spring stainless steel compression stainless steel plain washer nut and stud metal or ABS manual wheel pin spring steel made dowell and HDPE fabricated opening indicator sleeve
Weir Type Diaphragm Valve Features
The design specification of this valve is in sync with BS EN 133972002
Its PPFEPPVDFETFEPFA lining material is 3 mm to 5 mm thick
Completely leakage protected
Its testing standard conforms to BS EN 1226612 2003
Weir Type Diaphragm Valve Specifications
Design Standard BS EN 133972002 Formerly BS 5156
Flange As per ANSI B165 B1642
Face to Face BS 2080 DIN 3202 MSSP 88 EN 558
Lining Thickness 3 to 5 mm
Drilling ASA 150 DIN 263233 BS 10 TABLE D E F
Testing Standard BS EN 1226612 2003
Technical Specifications
Design Standard BS EN 133972002 Formerly BS 5156
Face to Face BS 2080 DIN 3202 MSSP 88 EN 558
Flange As per ANSI B165 B1642
Drilling ASA 150 DIN 263233 BS 10 TABLE D E F
Lining Thickness 3 to 5 mm
Testing Standard BS EN 1226612 2003
Dimensional Data
As per BS EN 558 2 Table7 Series7
Testing in accordance with BS EN 1226612003 Table A3
Torque measured at rP 11 Bar at Room Temperature in Wet Condition Test Media water